Smart Insights,
Intelligent Content Decisions

Discover the full potential of Merch Metric and effortlessly elevate your product content to drive sales!

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    of shoppers trust products with high-quality images and detailed descriptions
    of consumers rely on digital information while shopping online.
    Consumers said, “Not enough product information” was the No. 1 reason they didn’t buy a product online.

    Unleash the Power of Content Discovery and Intelligence

    Are you ready to take your product content game to the next level?

    With our AI-driven tools, you’ll unlock the full potential of content discovery, intelligence, and creation.

    Submit Your Data

    Select the number of products you would like to audit and then submit the file to upload. If you don’t have the ASINs ready, don’t fret we can scrape the data for you.

    Receive The Report

    MerchMetric provides a comprehensive product content report. It will contain detailed insights about your content’s status and highlight improvement areas.

    Enhance The Content

    Take control and choose which products you want to enhance. Prioritize products that require immediate action for maximum impact on your online store's performance.

    Discover. Optimize. Thrive: Content Intelligence at Its Best

    Key Highlights

    Content Discovery Made Easy

    With MerchMetric’s content discovery platform, finding valuable insights to gauge your product content’s performance against industry standards has always been challenging. Uncover hidden opportunities and identify areas that need improvement, ensuring your listings stand out and attract more customers.

    Content Health Check – See which parts of your content need enhancement

    AI-Driven Content Intelligence

    Leverage the power of AI-driven content intelligence tools to better understand your ecommerce store’s performance. MerchMetric’s comprehensive reports provide valuable data, helping you make data-backed decisions to optimize your product descriptions, images, and other elements for better sales performance.

    AI-Powered Content Creation Tools

    Enhance your content creation process with AI-powered tools that deliver exceptional results. MerchMetric’s one-click enhancement feature streamlines the process, saving you time and effort while improving your listings’ visibility and conversion rates.

    Gain information on the products that need enhancement

    Unlock the Power of Content Discovery and Intelligence with Merch Metric

    Experience the Future of Content Creation and Discoverability.

    Pricing Plan

    How many SKUs do you want to run the MerchMetric report for? 

    20K SKUS Custom Pricing

    >20K SKUS Custom Pricing

    Content Discovery Made Smart: Your AI Companion